
Last day 🥲

Today was my last full day in Japan. Im soooooo sad. I dont want to leave 💔. Today felt like any other day. I woke up and had breakfast. We hung out until it was time to go out and get some lunch. We got takoyaki! It was really good. After that, we went shopping for some last minute things! We then started dinner after returning home. We had an italian style dinner! It was really yummy. After putting Halu to bed and packing the remaining stuff, we played skull king! It was so much fun and my host parents really liked it. My host dad ended up winning with me in second and my host mom in last. Its been so nice here and im so thankful to have stayed with them! Goodnight!  

Past few days.

Hello everyone! I know its been a couple of days. I have been pretty busy! Two nights ago, I was at a camp for yfu kids and I barely had any reception. Last night I typed this post pit but I fell asleep before posting it lol. So this is what happened the past three days. On saturday, I went to this gigantic mall with Nanami, Ibuki, and Stef. It was huge and it was sooo fun! I bought an expensive bracelet (sorry mom) but it was cheaper here than it would be in the US so a win is a win. The next day, I had to go to a YFU camp in the middle of no where with some YFU kids. It was pretty fun but I wanted to spend time with my host family instead. They served us dinner and we played a bunch of games and stuff. The next day, so yesterday, they took us to Narita to see a famous temple. The temple was amazing. The temples here are so gorgeous and I love looking at them. I attached a picture of a building here and its super colorful! I found out it was made of completely wood! Anyways, we got to

Day 38

Hello! Today concluded my host mom and I’s girls trip! We woke up at my moms parents house! My host grandma made us breakfast and it was soooo good. We had salad, yogurt, the best fresh peaches ive ever had, watermelon, egg, toast, and smokies. It was soooo yummy. After breakfast, my host grandma showed me hee hobby! Shes so cool! Shes around 74 or something and she belongs to a senior cheer team. They perform at different events! Its so cool. She said you have to be 50+ to join and a lot of her teammates are in their laye 70’s. She showed me some of her routines and I was so impressed. She can do the splits! We then headed out to Harajuku! When we got there we found a sketchers store. It was there that I saw the Snoop dogg x sketchers collab! I just looked because tbh they were quite expensive. When we left the store, we noticed a bunch of people crowded around the next building. The building was a soccer store that sold all things and brands soccer. A bunch of people were outside wea

Day 37

Hello everyone! I am so exhausted! Today me and my host mom had girls day! We dropped Halu off at the daycare and caught the train to Asakusa, Tokyo! We got off the train and headed to shop. Asakusa is set up like the old time Japan with many different vendors set up in traditional shops. It was really cool. There was also a temple and it was really pretty! I bought sooo much. I spent $279 even! After we were finished shopping and looking around we headed to Ginza to shop some more. Ruby is going to be so jealous I know. We went to the Sanrio store. It was crazy! There was so much stuff I didnt even know where to start. My feet started to hurt so we went to dinner and it was really yummy. We had a lot of food! After that, we went back to where we came from and the. walked to downtown Ginza. It was so beautiful! Ginza is the most expensive part of Tokyo. The main strip was covered with stores like Bulgari, tiffany & co, cartier, Louis Vuitton, and soooo much more. It was fun to look