Past few days.

Hello everyone! I know its been a couple of days. I have been pretty busy! Two nights ago, I was at a camp for yfu kids and I barely had any reception. Last night I typed this post pit but I fell asleep before posting it lol. So this is what happened the past three days. On saturday, I went to this gigantic mall with Nanami, Ibuki, and Stef. It was huge and it was sooo fun! I bought an expensive bracelet (sorry mom) but it was cheaper here than it would be in the US so a win is a win. The next day, I had to go to a YFU camp in the middle of no where with some YFU kids. It was pretty fun but I wanted to spend time with my host family instead. They served us dinner and we played a bunch of games and stuff. The next day, so yesterday, they took us to Narita to see a famous temple. The temple was amazing. The temples here are so gorgeous and I love looking at them. I attached a picture of a building here and its super colorful! I found out it was made of completely wood! Anyways, we got to watch a ritual and it was so cool. The monks of the temple were singing, there were drums, and fire. I wasnt sure of what was happening but it was amazing. They waved my bag in front of the fire so that was cool. After, we all went our separate ways and I decided to go home! I traveled home all by myself. The train systems can be so difficult to figure out especially on Tokyo but I have it down by now ๐Ÿ˜Œ. When I got home we had watermelon and relaxed. We then decided to go get me my second suitcase lol. Its also pink! For dinner we had okonomiyaki YUM. I love okonomiyaki. I will miss all the food here. I LOVE runny eggs on my rice but I wont eat it in america, im too scared. Anyways, after dinner I said I would pack and my host mom came to look. It was around 10:30 and she said “give me 30 minutes-an hour and Ill have it all packed. I felt  bad because she did all the work herself but she did it. Im inpressed. Anyways, Goodnight!



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