
Showing posts from July, 2024

Day 15 (cont.)

Hey! My host mom just shared a bunch of pictures with me from today so heres some more pics :)

Day 15

Hello! By the time you are reading this, it is probably fourth of july at home! Happy Fourth of July!!!! Today, I had a lot of fun! My host mom’s friend is here so we hung out with her. We also took the other foreign exchange student with us! We went to Sawara today. It is a very old city. All of the buildings haven’t been fixed up for like hundreds of years. There was a new building but the requirements were super strict for building. They had to use old wood so after a year or so it will look more like the old buildings. It was so pretty! We started off our adventure by stopping at a small cafe just outside of Sawara. We had a little snack. I had a strawberry shake and stef had a strawberry shaved ice type thing. I didn’t like either of them because to me they tasted like amoxocilin. We went for a boat tour of the city since there was a river flowing beneath it. Then we went for lunch and had monja and okonomiyaki. It was absolutely delicious. The okonomiyaki reminded me a lot of my

Day 14

Hello everyone! On today’s episode of Marcy’s adventures, I went to school! Today was the last day before final exams so there was lots of studying going on. I didn’t really do much! I have been playing volleyball in gym class and today I hurt my knees 💔. But yeah school was pretty boring. We had a test in history today and thats the picture I have attached. I wrote in kanji and it was super difficult. I was so hungry for lunch, I ate my whole lunch in the first 5 minutes LOL. After school, I walked to the train station with my friends and there was an ice cream vending machine! I treated everyone to ice cream for good luck on exams! Stef invited me for boba so I asked my host mom but she said we were having sukiyaki for dinner. I wasn’t entirely sure what it was so I asked my friend Nanami. She said it was really good and that she hopes I like it. For all the viewers at home, its meat and vegetables cooked in a huge pot in this amazing sauce! Then you dip it in, drumroll please, (🥁

Day 13

 I didnt do anything today! Nothing to report on lol. I stayed home sick today. My stomach hurt all noght last night and I couldnt sleep so we figured itd be best if I skipped today. I did have a really weird zombie apocalypse dream. Like I woke up sweaty and confused and discombobulated. In the dream, it took place in Japan, my friend Abby and I were trying to get to Tokyo but all of the scenery was stuff from america. Idk it was weird. Anyways, Goodnight!

Day 12

hello!!! Today I went to school! It was pretty rainy and cloudy so it wasnt too hot. School was pretty boring so I decided to draw! I shared these drawings below. I forgot my suica card this morning but I was able to get it on my phone so I could still use it. However, I also forgot my phone charger. By the time school was over, my phone was at 5%. Lucky for me, the whole time it took me to get home, my phone was at 5%. When I got home my host mom told me that her mom was coming to stay the night so she could rest tomorrow. Her mother got here around 6:30 pm. She brought delicious little desserts. I had a pudding and cake one and it was sooo good. So overall today was good 🤗. Goodnight everyone!