Day 10

 Hello! Today was a chill day! I woke up at 7:30! My host mom brought me a banana, some yogurt, and some vitamin c water for breakfast. I was already feeling a lot better. So I hung out downstairs with my host and brother. My host dad had to work today so it was jusy us three. We had lunch and decided to go shopping! We rented the second Mama Mia movie because I havent seen it and my host mom loves it. Today was supposed to be rainy and cloudy but it ended ip being sunny! We went to a grocery store and it kind of reminded me of home! It was set up in a similar way to stores at home. We grabbed some stuff and headed home so baby could take a nap. While he was napping, my host mom and I decided to play a card game called trump (lol). We played for like an hour and it was so fun. She also let me know that a family friend would be coming over for dinner and to spend the night. We decided to take Halu to the park as he was getting antsy. We walked to the park and then a convenience store called Family Mart. I got some razors and we left. Let me tell you, Japanese facial razors are the way to go. If you need to shape up eyebrows or just have hair on your face, it gets rid of it all, im honestly impressed. We had dinner and now im about to sleep! Goodnight!


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