Travel Day

 Hello everyone! This is my first post lol. I’m writing this as I am sitting in the Chicago International Airport waiting for my flight. We left our house at 7:00 AM to catch my 11:50 flight. As we were about 20 minutes away, I learned that the flight got delayed until 3:30 PM. So here I am, in the airport waiting for another 2 hours. TSA was really nerve wrecking to go through alone but I made it! I was sad to say bye to my family but it all turned out okay. I am quite nervous about my flight. It’s 13 hours 😔. However, I think I will be okay. I am excited to land in Japan and meet my host family! 

P.S ignore the labels on top until I figure out how to get rid of them lol this airport WiFi kinda sucks


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