Day 14

Hello everyone! On today’s episode of Marcy’s adventures, I went to school! Today was the last day before final exams so there was lots of studying going on. I didn’t really do much! I have been playing volleyball in gym class and today I hurt my knees 💔. But yeah school was pretty boring. We had a test in history today and thats the picture I have attached. I wrote in kanji and it was super difficult. I was so hungry for lunch, I ate my whole lunch in the first 5 minutes LOL. After school, I walked to the train station with my friends and there was an ice cream vending machine! I treated everyone to ice cream for good luck on exams! Stef invited me for boba so I asked my host mom but she said we were having sukiyaki for dinner. I wasn’t entirely sure what it was so I asked my friend Nanami. She said it was really good and that she hopes I like it. For all the viewers at home, its meat and vegetables cooked in a huge pot in this amazing sauce! Then you dip it in, drumroll please, (🥁🥁🥁🥁) Raw egg!!!! I was really skeptical of eating the raw egg at first but everyone assured me that it was okay. And it was actually so good! The meat was very high quality and was honestly the best I’ve ever had. My host mom’s friend came over and will be spending the next two days with us and she is so cool. She speaks very good english and some spanish. Right now, Im sitting on the couch waiting to play uno with my host mom and her friend so we can determine who will have what seat in the car tomorrow lol. Tomorrow we will take Stef and visit somewhere! Stay tuned to find out where we go! Anyways, goodnight and good morning to everyone! 



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