Day 15

Hello! By the time you are reading this, it is probably fourth of july at home! Happy Fourth of July!!!! Today, I had a lot of fun! My host mom’s friend is here so we hung out with her. We also took the other foreign exchange student with us! We went to Sawara today. It is a very old city. All of the buildings haven’t been fixed up for like hundreds of years. There was a new building but the requirements were super strict for building. They had to use old wood so after a year or so it will look more like the old buildings. It was so pretty! We started off our adventure by stopping at a small cafe just outside of Sawara. We had a little snack. I had a strawberry shake and stef had a strawberry shaved ice type thing. I didn’t like either of them because to me they tasted like amoxocilin. We went for a boat tour of the city since there was a river flowing beneath it. Then we went for lunch and had monja and okonomiyaki. It was absolutely delicious. The okonomiyaki reminded me a lot of my Grandma’s deutsche (idk how to spell it lol). Then we walked around and looked at shops. I thought it was so funny that all of the houses were super old and traditional and then we cane across a bright yellow house that looked like a florida beach house. It looked so out of place and I thought it was kind of funny. We then went to a cafe and we had sweets and tea. I had an iced ginger peach tea and a sweet potato dessert. The sweet potato dessert was delicious. My host mom ordered a huge shaved ice dessert and it was so good. After a long, hot day of walking around we headed back. On our way back we saw the prettiest cat ever. It was a really fun day and I really enjoyed it! That’s all for how I spent my fourth of july! 



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